Mystical Path of Buddhism
"This story is of the Divine Mother. Eastern mysticism tells us that as we give devotion to the divine Mother and we attain union with her, ultimately we walk the earth as the Divine Mother. This is my goal for all of us.
I hope this teaching will further that goal for you and further inspire you.
- Elizabeth Clare Prophet, from God Is Mother In You.
Follow the story of Buddhist mystic Yeshe Tsogyal, a disciple of Padma Sambhava, who attained buddhahood and left teachings for us to follow. "Return me to the wondrous path!"
Yeshe Tsogyal traveled all over Tibet training many Buddhist adepts and hiding "termas" - texts of the inner teachings.
The Buddhic Essence DVD
(1 hr 50 min.)
Includes: Become the Buddha and
Ten Stages of the Bodhisattva Path
Rent or Download on Amazon!
Buy online at Amazon: The Buddhic Essence: Ten Stages to Becoming a Buddha

Mystical Path of Buddhism Videos:
Path of the Divine Mother:
God As Mother In You, 57 min.
Yeshe Tsogyal: Mother of Buddhism in Tibet 58 min.
Mystical Path of Buddhism Audios:
Path of the Divine Mother:
God as Mother In You 62 min.
Yeshe Tsogyal: Mother of Buddhism in Tibet 79 min
Call for more information
1-800-245-5445 or 1-406-848-9500.